
Implants are used in conjunction with dentures or bridges to provide a permanent solution, connecting the prostheses directly to the jaw. While the implant process can take longer than more traditional solutions, implants lead to some of the best results when replacing missing teeth.

Implants - Stable and Permanent Solution to have Teeth Again

Dental implants are a relatively newer technology in the dental field and have had incredible advancements over the past few decades. These procedures were once only performed by specialists but advancements in technology have opened the doors for more providers to bring this solution to their patients. Implants provide a level of longevity and stability that cannot be reached with more traditional treatments. 

Our dentists have trained with the experts at the world renowned Misch International Implant Institute bringing the best that implant technology has to offer to the Eastern Shore. We have placed hundreds of implants for patients seeking a long lasting stable solution. We are able to provide one singular home for our patients’ entire implant case ensuring comfort and trust through the process.

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